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Dalia Alvarado


Hello, my name is Dalia Alvarado and I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. What brought me to KLR was mainly the fact that I always wanted to go into the healthcare industry I just didn’t know where to start, I just graduated from high school back in June and I knew I wanted to start my career as soon as possible. I came across KLR and thought it sounded like a really great program and jumped to take the opportunity to try it out and see where my journey would take me. I emailed Katie around July and we got to talking about the steps to getting into the program which were so easy and it’s something I appreciated a lot because stress takes a toll on me and my mental health so for KLR to make the process so easy was helpful to me. Once I finally got to my zoom meeting at first I felt intimidated because it seemed like so much material we had to learn in such little time, but our instructor broke down everything for us and reassured us every moment we came across something scary, that we were going to do just fine if we put in the work. There were times where some of our classmates had questions and our teacher always responded kindly and made sure to answer all of our questions which made us feel like we could continue to ask questions. All of the people were very kind and helpful at KLR. Katie helped us stay on track at times and helped us understand that our career can flourish if we put in the work. My instructor and coach were very encouraging and made sure to always let me know that I could come to them if I were to get stuck or need help. I enjoyed when we would have kahoot time it helped me grasp the information more because of how fun and helpful it was. I will be using my certification to hopefully get a job at a hospital as a pharmacy technician and my next goal is yet to be discovered but I do know I intend to go up from here.

Dalia Alvarado
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