KLR Medical Certification Training School
Learning. Training. Growing. Empowering.

Mikiguia Roberson
Hello my name is Mikiguia Roberson and I wanted to be a part of the KLR program because my mom took it when she was going to the Excel center. She told me it was a great idea and I wanted to give it a try. She still works as a pharmacy technician right now. I took this class twice the first time i took it a lot of things was going on in my family so i was getting behind a lot but i still managed to do the work but when it came to taking the final i wasn't there i had missed the class so i missed and had to retake the class. It wasn't easy accepting that but I realized that I knew a lot of the work so it would be easier for me so I just went for it and I just did my national exam of february 10 and I found out the next day that I passed. I was excited and my mom was too. She even asked if I could keep some of the assignments because she wanted to take the national exam as well because she has never taken it. Now I will finish high school and use my certification to work as a pharmacy technician.