For a new pharmacy technician, DEA Schedules and their respective drugs can be confusing, but it’s important for you to understand them so that you understand why certain precautions are taken with each one in regard to refills, transfers, and where these medications are kept in the pharmacy. It is important for a pharmacy technician to understand that these rules and regulations can vary from state to state, and you should consult your pharmacist with any questions you may have regarding these.

What schedule is cocaine and what is it used for?
- Schedule II and anesthetic.
• What schedule is marijuana and why? - Schedule II and because it doesn’t have a medical use in most states in the us but could change soon.
• Which schedule includes benzodiazepines and what do these medications typically END in
-schedule IV and they end in -Pam or -olam
Cocaine is a schedule 2 drug which is used as an anesthetic.
Benzodiazepine is a schedule c-iv and it ends in "olam" or "pam" and it is used in treating anxiety.
Cocaine is schedule ii, Cocaine hydrochloride nasal solution is used to numb the mucous membrane inside the nose before a medical procedure or surgery.
2. marijuana is be schedule1. but Heroin, Ecstasy, Marijuana (This could be reclassified as Schedule III soon)
benzodiazepines belong to Schedule IV (C-IV). These medications typically end in “-pam” or “-lam”.
1 - Cocaine is listed as a Schedule II (C-II) drug, and Cocaine is used medically as a local anesthetic, particularly for surgeries involving the nasal or sinus areas.
2 - Marijuana is classified as a Schedule i ( c-1) drug, because considered to have no accepted medical use at the federal level in the United States and a high potential for abuse.
3 - Benzodiazepines are listed under Schedule IV (C-IV). and These medications typically end in “-pam” or “-lam” (e.g., diazepam, alprazolam). An exception mentioned is Librium, which is a brand name for chlordiazepoxide.