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Noah Young

Veterinary Assistant

A little bit about me. Ever since elementary school I've always been a teacher's pet. A+ student

is an overall favorite. Then when middle school hit i was in a school shooting that changed my

life for the worst in all honesty. I developed anxiety and depression on a very serious level.

Doctors were worried my parents worried sick. They’d often stay up to make sure I fell asleep so

I wouldn't do something I'd regret. After that I went to an online school called k-12. The first 3

months I was doing well back to being an A+ student. My anxiety and depression were at an all

time low. Then I relapsed and I couldn't even be awake without having a constant panic attack. I

didn’t wanna be here anymore. I failed out of k-12. Next year I went to a school called The Excel

Center. I was really nervous to be back due to past trauma and PTSD. There at that school i

met the most amazing people in my life. My current girlfriend of a year now. The teachers I

connect with outside of school and play video games and card games with them. Its impossible

to fail at that school unless you don’t show up or don’t put effort in. The teachers and coaches

all motivate you to graduate and do well with life. You can go to them about anything. My first

baby miscarried. I instantly went to my teachers because I had no idea what to do. My first year

at that school my anxiety was wobbly but i gained alot of credits! I was showing progress,

maturing and becoming more outgoing i was becoming me again. Towards the end of my

Journey at the Excel Center i was put in a certification class “Vet Assistant”. To say the least i

was nervous. My dream career is to become a Vet. KLR welcomed me into the class with open

arms. It felt like a family all of the staff are very kind and outgoing and always there to push you

to that next goal. Or get that next assignment done. They’re all goofy and outgoing people. One

of my favorite moments at KLR was doing kahoots on a weekend with fellow students and

Daniel joining in and kicking all of our butts! It did nothing but determine us more to study and

work harder! Another one of my favorites was Naomi accidentally kicking Daniel out of the zoom

call haha. KLR is an awesome program and i highly recommend it to anyone. Students, Staff

everyone will help you. It really feels like a family and its hard to move on and say goodbye.

Noah Young
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