KLR Medical Certification Training School
Learning. Training. Growing. Empowering.

Cheyenne Brown
Not really where I should begin but here it is. I grew up in Indianapolis where I was born and raised. Growing up my father was an alcoholic and my mother was a drug addict who left me with my father. My father raised me and eventually stopped drinking and waited for my mother to stop doing drugs. I got pregnant when I was 14. I had him at 26 weeks and 2 days and he almost did not make it. He is my miracle baby. He is who inspired me to get into the medical field because he has a lot of health issues and I like to be up to date on everything. My dad was my number one supporter on everything I did. My mother finally got clean about 5 years ago when I told her she could not see her grandchildren anymore until she got help. Well December of 2020 she found my brother who had hung himself and she relapsed. 4 months after my brother died, she od and was unable to be saved. My father was devastated, and he could not handle the pain. He started drinking again. 5 months after my mother passed and the day before my 27th birthday last year my father and my middle child's father got into, and he ended up shooting and killing my father. I tried everything to save him and could not. So, me finishing school is something I always wanted to do to make my father proud and that's what I'm doing. The reason I chose coding and billing is because I feel like if I start on the bottom of the chain by time I reach the top, I will know a lot and school will be easier to get through. I have always struggled academically because no one in my family has graduated. Now I live my life to show my children that they can accomplish any goals in life that they wish to do. And to never give up no matter what life throws at you. Being in this course with you and listening to your story has given me even more hope that I can do this. I enjoyed being in your classes. Thank you for everything. Thank you for not giving up on me :)Â